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Scent Description of Salts Scrubs & Bath Bombs

Fresh & Clean

Seabreeze is the light scent of the ocean

Green Tea is the invigorating scent of citrus and mint

China Musk is a heavy clean scent with Mediterranean Jasmin

Sweet Musk is the fresh scent of clean sweet linens

Baby is the soft scent of powder


Life is a subtle mix of honeysuckles and magnolias, very pleasant and light

Jasmin is an extremely pungent floral with beautiful earthy tones

Lavender is soft and crisp with a baby powder undertone

Gardenia is a soft calming floral that is not overwhelming


Satsuma is the sweet smell of orange peels from the Louisiana citrus fruit

Queen is a citrus musk with a clean and fresh undertone

Jamaican Fruit scents the area with several tropical scents

Lick Me All Over is a combination of roses and strawberries

Icy Pineapple is an example of a freshly sliced pineapple

Mango is a mild tropical scent with a hint of coconuts

African Peach has the earthy scent of a sweet peach



China Musk is a soapy scent with an exotic finish

Arabian Sandalwood is an light sweet scent that is mildly lavish

Myrhh is a scent with a slight sweetness of nature

King is an ancient sedative scent of opium  it is very rich calming

Casmir is a mild earthy scent that appeals equally to men and women 

Emporer Dessalines is a strong earthy mix that is clean and crisp

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Mecca Essentials 1507 N. Prieur Street NOLA, 70116

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