The bath bombs are skin conditioning and the scent lingers on your body. Simply run a hot bath and drop the bomb in, it will fizz and scent the bathroom completely. This scent is honeysuckle and magnolia blended to pleasant perfection.
Life Bath Bomb
Excluding Sales Tax
All packages are insured by the company please retain the damaged product so that we may help in processing the claim.
We ship through the USPS and we ship all over the globe based on the current rates.
Draw a nice hot bath and put in 1 bath bomb, let the salt dissolve, sit in the tub for at least 20 minutes. Note: with in five minutes you may begin to sweat profusely, don't be alarmed, these are your toxins. Remain in the water, the longer you remain submerged in the water the more you will relax your muscles, the more often you use the salts you will notice the skin conditioning effects. Note: If you continue to sweat after you have gotten out of the bath please drink water.